Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blog Post #6

How can fair use benefit you as a teacher?

Fair use can be used in the class room to better explain subjects that you are trying to teach. For example, one of my favorite TV shows made by Disney was called Pepper Ann. One of the episodes is a musical episode and her teacher sings a song about photosynthesis. That song has stuck with me every time someone starts talking about photosynthesis. As such, I decided that if I ever became a teacher, I would show that song clip to my students so they could better understand the mechanics behind photosynthesis.
I do understand the need for materials to be copyrighted. However, being able to use these materials with the fair use act that students/others are more likely to relate to will make the learning and explaining process easier for both students and teachers alike .


  1. I think using things especially like songs and videos can help kids learn so much, so learning the laws are crucial! Great point.

  2. Great comment. When we can use materials like "Pepper Ann" we are able to i think better relate to the students as to what we want them to learn. It is great that we have all these wonderful resources at our finger tips, but as you mentioned, it is important that we protect the authors work.
